September 2020 ~ Progress!

I’m trying to stay motivated so I’ve found some different exercise videos to try out. These ones are from Team Body Project and can be found on their YouTube page. There are lots to choose from but I’m just sticking with the beginner level for now.

Friday 11th — Slowly making a bit of progress as I weighed in at 71.4 kg this morning which is the lightest I’ve been since 2012! 😀 The hard part will be trying to at least maintain that weight for a while and not fly right back up again due to ‘unwise’ food choices over the weekend, oh, and wine. So Many times I tell myself, “No wine (or any other alcohol) this weekend, you don’t need it,” but the weekend rolls around and my good intentions go right out the window.

I found another video that focuses on abs exercises for women from The Fit Mother Project YouTube page. I’d much rather see the exercises being done by a woman over fifty than a fit, strong, younger man. After trying these for myself I found most of them waaay too difficult for this old duck over 50 …think I’ll stick to the old-fat-people exercises.

Wednesday 30th — For the last 9 days I’ve managed to stay under 72 kg with my lowest weight being 71.2 kg on a couple of days — my lightest weigh-in since 2012! 😀 I’ve been a bit more successful with maintaining a better diet, staying off alcohol (mostly) and at least trying to have 2 shakes, one meal and a couple of healthy snacks each day plus drinking heaps of water. I’m also attempting to do the 5:2 fasting over a week combined with the 16:8 pattern each day which is not hard as it more or less fits my natural hunger pattern during a day anyway. I never really feel hungry before midday so I try to do all my eating between 12 and 8pm (or sometimes up to 8:30pm or 9pm). So far so good. 🙂

This month’s graph…

September Apple Watch Achievements

My progress so far…

So, after some modest progress this month my next little goal will be to get below 71 kg and maintain that loss for a while. The next ‘milestone’ on my ‘Happy Scales’ app is to reach 70.6 kg, which at my current weight loss rate (0.25 kg per week) should be achieved by 23 October. Hopefully I can up my game a bit and do better than that! My initial commitment/hope/dream was to lose at least 0.5 kg per week, but I’m not quite there yet.

(Image at top of page — “Pastel Sky” — was photographed by me. 😀)

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