MyFitnessPal …again

I decided it was time to seriously start counting calories again so I reinstalled the MyFitnessPal app on my phone and created a new login. I first used the app in January 2014 but gave up after a short time as it all became too tedious. In February 2018 there was a data breach involving MyFitnessPal so I deleted my membership as I hadn’t used it in ages anyway, but now I’m back again with a different email and username, hoping their security is a bit better these days.

As always I’m only using the free version of the app so there are some features I can’t access, but the most important is calorie counting and that’s covered well enough in the freebie. 😀 I’ve been watching episodes of My 600-lb Life for “inspiration” and decided that I might as well try a 1200 Kcal/day diet again and see how it goes this time. After adding my details to the MFP app it determined I needed to stick to 1230 Kcal per day which is close enough.

So far it’s only been 5 days of 1230 Kcal eating and I’m doing OK, especially when adding exercise and increased activity into the mix which allows me to “burn off” any excess calories consumed to keep close to my daily goal. 

I’m also going to add some intermittent fasting at least one day (or maybe two) per week as I’ve done that before quite successfully. On those days I’ll stick to around the recommended 500 Kcal/day for women (600 Kcal for men).

I’m just so sick and tired of feeling sick and tired so I know I have to get serious about this again and get my weight down to where it should be and eat and exercise sensibly to maintain it at a safer level. So far I’ve lost 1.3 kg since Wednesday so yay me! That’s more weight than I’ve lost in a loooooong time. 😀 Just have to be consistent from now on to lose more and keep it off!

Here are some pretty pictures from the app …my first day of 1230 Kcal was Thursday 25th January. I added all the crap food I had on Wednesday just as a comparison so I could see how many calories I’ve often been eating and why I haven’t been losing weight, lol.

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